Friday, April 29, 2011

Springy state of mind

As spring begins to slowly unearth itself, I find myself wanting to deep clean-- to delve into closets, take out the garbage, and scrub the bathtub and windows until they sparkle. Unfortunately for me, twenty year's worth of  filmy, gray residue has permeated the porcelain of our bathroom, rendering  the work  not only back-breaking, but also extremely unsatisfying. However, there are a few bright spots in my home that can still usher in the spring.
First, this fabulous dish towel from Anthropologie, that I since have converted into a pillow cover.

It is simply too pretty to dry dishes with.

Another spark of brightness comes from these adorable tuxedo ruffle pillows that are now adorning the couch.

There isn't much room to sit, but it's the softest spot in the house.

On the subject of dishtowels, I've also fallen in love with this sweet little cake design slung over the door of my china cabinet.

I have always adored mint green, and so I am also deeply obsessed with this white vintage-style lamp coupled with a mint green shade.

Meanwhile, I am also embarking on a failing quest to grow my own lavender.
So far, nothing.
Anyone else itching for spring?
What do you do to get your home ready for the changing seasons?


Pepper said...

I do nothing. haha! because #1. i don't have money for decorations #2. I don't have room to store them. but your place is cute enough for the both of us!!!

Kristian C. said...

Ah we've got a closet that's in need of a good spring cleaning. NY cleaning trip Jos?