Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wednesday Winston: Sleeping in weird positions/ Date-confusion syndrome.

About once every year I have a severe memory lapse and experience spurts of great confusion concerning the days of the week. Last year I begged Jason to take me to Taco Tuesday, took all the wrong pills, and nearly overslept my Wednesday classes. I was convinced-- absolutely certain-- that it was Tuesday.
Wednesdays always somehow manage to allude me.
For instance, yesterday.
As the alarm went off I rolled over in bed thinking, Boy, am I glad it's Thursday! Because Thursday is the day I get to sleep in. Unfortunately for me, the chaos only worsened. After learning that his almost-finished essay was due on Friday I told the student I was tutoring, "Oh wow! So you only have one day to work on it?" and I bestowed on the undeserving boy my most stony and disapproving frown. At the hospital, too, I seemed to be all out of sorts, cheerily confirming all of Friday's appointments and calling out to a woman who had scheduled her appointment on Saturday morning, "See you tomorrow!"
The worst part about date-confusion is that no one seems to understand. With my pronouncement that I was relieved Friday was the next day, my fellow-student looked at me with a mixture of pity and disgust. I checked the mirror to see if I had food in my teeth or anything, and realized later that she had reacted rather negatively to my date-confusion syndrome. I don't know if anyone else experiences these temporary bouts of madness, but today Wednesday Winston has a new twist: it's appearing for the first time on a Thursday.
Cheers. Here's to the end of another week!


Blythe said...

As I was avoiding writing the rest of the paper...I checked blogger in anticipation...and found my favorite thing! Wednesday Winston. Happy Wednesday (Thursday).

Pepper said...

Yes i get confused about everything all the time-maybe it's just a woman thing.