Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Dawn of the Diabetics

On this day six years ago my adventure began.

There we sat, surrounded by endless rows of immaculate white T-Shirts. Cambria's feather bed was fluffy and smelled of disuse. She said I looked pale. I told her it was nothing.

I remember that we girls went with Paul and Jaylyn to watch the hot-air balloon launch; I marveled at the blazing colors in the sky, and could almost feel the excited tingling as my feet magically left the ground. We listened to techno music in Kari's car, and I thought maybe this would be enjoyable if I wasn't so thirsty. The best part of the ice-cream was the peaches, and the best part of those was their juice. I only wanted to sit down.
My dad was suspicious. I drank from boiling hot water bottles during the fireworks. An unfortunate local had their bush watered. To the hospital we went. My condition worsened.
I fell in love with my intern. I gave shots to an orange. My mom stayed with me day and night. I felt old, sick, and decrepit. I weighed 57 pounds.
Somebody said to me, "You're going to die?"
I didn't cry. I knew they were ignorant.

I shook up my parents with my shaking. I scarred Koseli's finger. I bumped my head. I went to camp and I hated it; I went back again and hated it still.
I became an expert on islet cells, and insulin, and the form and function of the pancreas. I gave lessons in health class. I taught the firsthand truth.
I discovered I could get out of school easily on any excuse, and that I could use my disease to manipulate and frighten my teachers.
I have a special tool.
For six years my pancreas has not worked. Hooray for implants! Hooray for pumps! And hooray for modern medicine!
As much as I love it, I hope I can rid myself of my power soon.


Anonymous said...

I was unawares of your magic powers. do you want to join my super hero team. it is called the new league of modern creative justice (N.L.M.C.J) We are woking on a shorter name..something that I can comfortably scrawl across my oversized man chest. Anyways, this is a formal invite.
The Night Rat (aka Keenan)

Unknown said...

wow that's incredible, you weighed 57 pounds? well, i am certainly gaining an increasing respect for a disease i once thought to be not so serious, or normal.

Joslynn said...

I don't know that I'll be such a great asset to the N.L.M.C.J.
Perhaps I could throw syringes at those who oppose the Creative Justice League's creative...ness.
That'll show them.

Nedge said...

You know, I also posess magical powers. When I'm sick of listening to people, or taking orders, or whatever...I can innocently say, "what?" And they'll repeat themselves to oblivion. Which is fun to watch...until they catch on, that is.

Brittany said...

Remember: the wet moose walks backwards in the night, and the grey buzzard whistles while he sleeps.

Anonymous said...

sweetie pie,
i was scared for you. but you took it so well---ur OUR little diabetic now. i'm proud of you Josi

Anonymous said...

Joslynn, you can nimble on my finger anytime you want.

Really, your seizure was very traumatic for me...even though you were the one who had the seizure, not me.

What would our family be without our little Diabet- y ?

Joslynn said...

Perhaps we would be a lot less healthy.
Sorry guys.

Brittany said...

Wow, you've changed your blog. Nice work.

Anonymous said...

I am starved for some of your insights and intruction on life. Where is my next post?!!?!!?!?!

Anonymous said...

anonymous, you are not so anonymous. KEENAN