Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Keena's Kure

I have decided to reveal a startling new trend in modern medicine in which I have recently taken an interest. It is very sparsely known at this point in time, but my connections in the medical field have allowed me an early insight into the situation.
It began with Brooke Greenburg. She is a child frozen in time--though 12 years old, she still has the characteristics of an infant. Through many studies and tests, it has been discovered that little Brooke has an excess amount of DHEA in her system. Although slow growth may not be desirable in a human body, so-called scientist H.W. Keena at Stanford University realized the full potential that the anti-aging hormone, DHEA, could have on society. Through careful analysis and practical problem solving, this ingenious human has developed a monthly DHEA serum to inject in domestic animals. He is calling it, "Keena's Kure."
Now, don't get me wrong. I am not for animal testing, nor would I ever promote an institution that encouraged any morbid practices. This injection is intended specifically for cosmetic purposes. It has little or no side-effect on the creatures (it has only been tested on mammals: felines, canines, and nigripes) though it has been observed that the DHEA has an affect on metabolism and requires more caloric intake on the animal's part, as well as benign red spotting on the soft underbelly.
What does this all mean? I'll tell you. Frou Frou, your precious puppy, will never become a slobbering, smelly, fat, old Catahoula Bulldog, but will rather stay young and sweet forever. Or, more like, as long as you can afford the shots. They're pretty pricey over the black market, running at over $110 per dose.
This dramatic discovery will allow oodles of kittens and baskets of bunnies to stay young and darling for longer.
However, it must be clear that Keena will not turn the world into a perpetual Neverland where puppies and piggies never grow old. Remember, even though Brooke Greenburg looks like a baby, she is still twelve. DHEA will not prolong life, but rather enhance it with the joy and beauty of youth.
Or course, this drug has not been universally accepted in any country excepting Azerbaijan, where the empress has been injecting her pet panda for several months now. Because of certain animal rights activists, this miracle drug cannot be distributed on the market. This is ridiculous, of course, and I believe Terrier-loving Prime Minister Tony Blair should be slapped for his private claims that the injections are inhumane. The British have always been too closed minded when it comes to their dogs.
I for one vouch that as soon as I lay my hands upon a couple of syringes and a bottle of Keena's serum I will take a trip to the local pound and inject as many animals as I can. Their chances of adoption as babies is increased ten-fold. In fact, I have already begun recruiting members to join the Y.A.B.B.A. squad. It is an organization of individuals that will promote Young And Beautiful Babies Always.
Whether you agree with this practice or not, I would dearly love to hear your opinion. If you have any interest in joining Y.A.B.B.A., drop me a line.


Anonymous said...

Amazing! I want a forever-puppy too! This is huge. It is biggeer than huge...It's...eternal youth!!! Puppy Forever=Happy forever. It's not an idea, its not my opinion. Its just plain science.

Anonymous said...

Too bad we didn't have that stuff for a certain wild kitty earlier.

You and your crazy clubs. I guess you can count me in.

Anonymous said...

me me me! I want to be in a club! Pick me ! Oh wait. I don't believe in animal testing. Come one. If a country like whatever-it-was-it's-so-small-no-one-knows-about-it is using it ONLY, isn't that a sign ? If the US agreed to participate in all the "cutting edge" technology that 3rd world countries pumped out how could we possibly be the world leader we are ? Don't jump on the band wagon kids. I hate to spoil the party but DOGS AND CATS die. All the time. Right now. And when they die of old age, I want them to look it so that I don't get more depressed. Please don't tell me Abner was actually 50 years old but because he got a shot he looked 2. Please no.

On the other side of that..have you asked the rats if they want shots in their butts? I didn't think so sweety.

Rash conclusion, bloggin' sista. (sorry I'm feisty today)

Anonymous said...

But wait.. I love small fluffy things.

Cowboy Joe said...

This is very ironic seeing how i wrote my ethics paper just last week on xenotransplantation. who knows maybe this might beat botox. and count me in.

Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...


ps- I ahve a petit present but forgot to give it. Next time.

Brittany said...

So, is the email thing workin out for you from here?

Joslynn said...

It most certainly is. It's quite nice, I like it.

Joslynn said...

Thank you for the CD, Keena. I love it very much... my new favorite song is "Soof-yawn" Steven's 'Predatory Wasp of the Palisades'.
Holy crap; he's a genius.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Soof-yawn is a king of the auditory soothing arts. (That makess no sense)
Need....more....blog....! I am athirst waiting daily on your creative gernius. Is no one paying you? You are now under my tutelage, full time. I will teach you, guide you, and compensaqte you for every decent word. You will be blog royalty.

Joslynn said...

You've got yourself a deal, my silver-tongued serpent.