With the recent absence of my mother from our home in South Jordan, I have felt a sudden and decisive pull towards all things domestic. My reason? The alpha female leaves, and another takes her place--me.
Tonight I cleaned the house. I vacuumed, dusted, scrubbed, and set the Beatles going. Then I made dinner. I even stuck toothpicks in the entree. Was this enough? Oh no... as if things weren't getting bad enough! I baked a cake, feeling that I couldn't continue on with the test for which I should be studying until I chopped up at least a dozen peaches and blended some whipping cream. Of course, the cake was lumpy, as my cakes always are. But I like to think I'm getting better.
I'm afraid that those around me have also felt the relentless pressure of my new role. Lately I have been much more naggy. An undeniable know-it-all. "Don't do that! Don't sit there! I knew that was going to happen..."
I could kick myself in the foot.
And now, the confession:
Mom, please come home. Because I am turning into you.
man, I can really relate to that. It's rather creepy. You're walking along in the dark and cold, and realize you are holding your hands just the way your mom does, or you snarf a piece of bread up, only to realize later, you ate that piece of bread exactly the same way your mom would, or....(the list goes on and on...) Not that this is a bad thing, it's just...strange how you can pick up habits so easily.
That's kind of weird. I didn't know your mother had a unique way of eating bread.
Your "mother" transformation cannot be complete unless you have younger siblings. So, if you'd like to fulfill your new role, you'll have to come by my place and nag my younger brother and sister to put the milk away, tuck in the chair, and for heaven sakes stand up straight!...you know, the like.
We are all doomed to turn into our mothers eventually.
Are your siblings still up for adoption? Because I think that I want them more than ever, now that I'm losing all of mine.
I think that rather then have you adopt them, we'll adopt you. That way we'd be sisters.
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