Sunday, October 08, 2006

Mud + Heels = Humiliation

I knew my life had taken a turn for the worst when I realized I was stuck on top of the Turnbow's chain link fence.
It is a common joke amongst the people in my ward that I drive to church every Sunday. Certainly, the chapel is terribly close to my home, but I do think I have a sound argument in saying that when one wears uncomfortable shoes, one cannot be expected to trek across fields full of mud and horse excrement. Even so, they still said I was polluting the Earth. Today I decided to prove them wrong. So I walked.
I knew the muses were frowning upon me when I saw the gate that links the top of my street to the chapel. It was padlocked, wrapped tight with a good strong chain and some sturdy rope. How could my lifetime of good luck have run out so quickly on such a deserving, cheerful, Sunday morning?
I had a choice: go back defeated or surrender my pride and climb over. I climbed. My heel stuck in the chain links. I abandoned it. The tulle of my skirt caught and snagged, exposing a good deal more leg than it is appropriate to say. At that moment several high priests from my ward chose to walk by. In desperation I wildly beat at my skirt, trying to lengthen it. By the time I became visible to them through the trees I had managed to compose myself on the top of the fence post-parakeet style- nonchalantly gazing in the opposite direction, praying to Heaven or to the cruel muses that I would blend in with the scenery.
It didn't work.
They questioned my position. They asked me if I would be joining them at church anytime soon, and did I need help? Oh no, I told them. I'm just... sitting. Enjoying the morning.
Sitting? On top of a fence? With my skirt tucked under me, scraped legs, and mussed up hair like an amazon woman? I think not...
Oh, muses!
By the time I made it to the other side of the gate I was sufficiently bedraggled; I had pine needles in my hair, and mud on my feet. I spent a good while trying to get my shoe unstuck, and the harder I pulled the more disconcerted I became. Needless to say, I was a complete wreck.
Earth, I do indeed love you. But until the Turnbows decide to be better neighbors and unlock their gate, I will continue to pollute you with my Sunday drives.


Anonymous said...

That is so funny. Why do you have the worst experiences going to church. I can picture you on that fence. I'm sure it was a horribly embarassing situation that you were faced with. It sounds traumatizing. So you didn't say. After you were in this predicament did you go to church or go back home?
Blame it on the muses. Ha ha ha

Nedge said...

Ha ha ha ha! Oop...I apologize. I will be a supporter, but I can't help but think (and say) this: That totally reminds me of an Anne of Green Gables moment...with her composed face stuck on a bridge, and Gilbert comes along...'re sitting on top of a chain-link fence. How romantic! (He he.) I enjoyed this post immensely, you described your experience very well. I can see the entire picture...(LOL!)
Don't worry. I have those moments too. (Not walking to church, which I do every I've gotten the route down.)
One time on a Sunday, I was walking both dogs in my dress with a hat on with a journal in my hand, and I wasn't managing those beasts very well. I was struggling to get those things under control as I was walking alongside a busy (-er) street to get to the canal that says "No trespassing". I succeeded getting thus far, but not without a person driving by quite slowly (as there was no traffic due to the day being Sunday) and watched with amusement my dillemma. Not only did they drive by slowly, but they did a u-turn and watched me again. Yes, if you can imagnine me in this horrid huge brown pioneer style skirt, a white shirt with an old blue vest pulled over, and a huge hat engulfing my head, being yanked along by two anxious 70+ pound dogs, trying to balance a journal and two leashes in my hand...probably with a look of panic on my face...

Nedge said...

My worst experience, though...(winces) probably is nothing, but it has dramatically scarred me...
You know I can't sing anything. I don't get any privacy to sing at home, and my parents probably grimace when I sing at one afternoon, feeling the urge to...sing! I hopped on my then-rusty-bike, and cruised the neighborhood. It was a Friday night, and my neighborhood is deadly quiet on Friday nights, no one home...don't ask me why. So, I'm singing the goat song or something from the sound of music, and I turn a corner of the street only to find a yard full of boys! They all were a year older than me, and my mom has a crush on one of them for me. They all turned as if they heard a siren, I immediately choke in the middle of the song, and speed off on that clunky bike, wishing that I could go 100 MPH. Unfortunately, this experience has made me even more shy to sing at anytime. I only sing in the car, though my facial reactions to my own cacophonious notes must amuse others who are watching me at stoplights...I probably look like I'm roaring.

Nedge said...

Sorry that I leave long comments. This one is going to be a short one. See? I'd better stop typing already, or it won't be short after all.

Nedge said...

You know, your post also reminds me of P&P. Elizabeth liked to walk, you know...he he he!

Joslynn said...

I would have loved to see you balancing those big dogs and that journal... it's quite romantic you know, in its own way. Especially with the hat.
So your mom chooses crushes for you too? That seems to be the trend around here. Just know that I don't mind hearing you sing at all, and that I am equally or far more deficient in the whole carryig a tune thing.
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one.

Anonymous said...

So wait....if those high priests were walking, couldn't you have followed them? Was there no other way to walk, since every one apparently walks to church??

Joslynn said...

No, Jesse. You see, the Priests were already on the other side of the fence, as they lived in the neighborhood surrounding the chapel. I live in the area separated from the church by the infamous fence. Besides, why on Earth would I have wanted to walk to church with them? That would have been weird.

Nedge said...

Yes, that would have been weird. "Hi guys! I was really stuck on that fence when you saw me, and now that I'm unstuck, I'd like to walk to church with you, though I don't really know you guys..."

The Turnbow's fence? Any relation to Cameron Turnbow? (I don't know if that's a real person, but I seem to recall that name from band in middle school or something...)

Anonymous said...

I didn't say "walk with them" did I? I said follow them, as in follow the path they take to church so that you wouldn't have to climb the fence. But now that you have made it clear that the only walkable path is through that locked gate there is no need for further explanation.

Brittany said...

Oh Natalie, you hit the nail right on the head. Joslynn got stuck on Cameron Turnbow's fence. I'm so delighted! This was hilarious. First the kitty, and now this? It must be cursed property.

Joslynn said...

I knew I should have left the Turnbows out of this! I never can seem to get rid of Cameron. He's always in the shadows somewhere, lurking. Ugh.

Nedge said...

He ha ha ha! I love it!

Anonymous said...

Joslynn you'll never be able to get rid of this childhood friend. I agree with everyone. After reading this a second time it is ironic that you were stuck on Cameron's fence. At least he was at church so he didn't see you distress.

Joslynn said...

Yes... well...

Unknown said...

you make me laugh so hard. i'm sorry it's at your expense in this case, but that's what it takes somedays to put me in a happy mood.
and your imagry in this little story is amazing. i can see every detail. you're amazing.

Anonymous said...

Joslynn--quite simply:Cameron thinks your hot. but we all know Robert is the hottest (ha)