Saturday, March 17, 2007

In which I am visited by St. Patrick, the Mistress Witch of McClure, and Darius's Squadron of Benevolent Butterflies

As I stood in the check-out line with my mom and sister, I espied me an elderly woman with flaming red hair and dangle earrings shaped like foaming green beer mugs. She looked the perfect picture of an Irish Sidhe. I imagined her in a fairy rath, and the thought summoned a familiar ache in my heart-- the ache I always feel when I hear bagpipes.
We made eye contact, and I gave her a smile.
"I like your earrings," I said, "they're very festive."
Her eyes brightened as she patted her titian tresses and sighed,
"Thank you! You are the first to have noticed them today."
I kept my eyes on her the entire time-- determined that if she was a real leprechaun, this magnificent creature would have to share her gold with me.


Nedge said...

I think I've seen an leprechaun. But I can't tell you the story, or it won't remain true...
So, you saw a leprechaun? I'm jealous! All I saw yesterday were a bunch of people decked out in green on the Jordan River, and dogs trying to bite my wheels.

Nedge said...
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Joslynn said...

You were lucky your otter pop shirt had Sir Isaac Lime on it. Otherwise I would've pinched you good!
You've seen a leprechaun too? I want to know the story, but I won't ruin your magic. It's good to know that we share this bond.

Brittany said...

I can't remember ever seeing a leprechaun. Where were you checking out from?

Guess who didn't have surgery after all! Stupid braces...

Brenda said...

Oh wow Joslynn....when I read you posts my English is not so good. Your knowledge exceeds mine.
What do these words mean?
1. Sidhe
2. titian
3. tresses
I like Natalie did not see any leprechauns
I did however see some Irish outfits downtown. I never knew people were so into St. Patrick's day.

Joslynn said...

Beesy P.,
There are always interesting people to find at Wal-Mart.
Hey, hey! Don't condemn the braces! They're making your teeth perfect as we speak. Your time too will come, my friend, and when it does we'll celebrate by eating lots of... caramel?

Sidhe: (Pronounced "Shee") is simply a fairy race, dominantly Irish. No I did not know that because I've read books on European folklore. (If you ever want to hear about Black Annis, let me know.)
Titian: A reddish-brown color usually used to describe hair. It originates from the Italian painter who used the color frequently in his paintings. "The girl with the Titian hair..."
Tresses: Simply put? Hair. You are just like Diana Barry:
"But I don't have any black dresses!"

Brenda said...

Ooohhh I have fancy caramel from Argentina Dolce de Leche. Whatever that means.
Thank you Joslynn.

Brittany said...

Caramel is amazing. I'm down.

There's a quote from the musical Guys and Dolls where the main girl isn't aware that there's alcohol in this drink that she's enjoying, asks what's in it, and the guy replies "Dolce de leche," I think. Weird.

Joslynn said...

Viva la Dolce de Leche!

Brenda said...

That is weird. Thanks again Joslynn so it is caramel.

Brittany said...

If you look it up on Wikipedia, it mentions the Guys and Dolls thing at the very end. I would be really cool and put a link thing in here, but it's 11 o clock and I am lazy. But...feel free to check it out.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

pet me.

Anonymous said...

ohhhh.. and don't forget to comb my bald spot--

Anonymous said...

"an icecream a day keeps the grumpies away!"

Anonymous said...

Hi joslynn! :)

Anonymous said...

Pet me too!

Brenda said...

Hey I just looked through Aaron's pics. You were right they are really good. Koseli looks so beautiful.

Joslynn said...

Brenda? What's this? There is a link to your blog, but it appears you are not willing to publicly disply it yet.
I want more Brenda Blog!