Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wednesday Winston: Comfortable.

No matter where he is or what he is doing, Jason is Winston's seat of choice. In times when the lap is unavailable, his shoulder, chest, or even just a part of the arm or leg will do. I have witnessed Winston sleeping, half his body hanging off the couch, his top half nestled safely between Jason's knees, slumbering peacefully.  I have seen the cat stealthily maneuver through piles of homework, mountains of books and mounds of blankets to ultimately curl up, purring, on some part of Jason, and promptly fall asleep. Just last night Winston cuddled up to Jason and wrapped his front legs around Jason's arm, his claws slightly protracted, as if holding him hostage. Whether this is relaxing to Jason or just uncomfortable I don't know.  Nevertheless, day after day there they are, the unlikely coupling: the man holding abnormally still for the comfort of the little gray cat nestled by his side.


Pepper said...

hahahah! he loves Jason!

Unknown said...
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