Friday, June 09, 2006

The Cruelty of Children

Children can be horrible little creatures; there is no use denying this fact.

Last night I talked to a first grader. We were talking about books- books from the library, bedtime stories, books in school- and suddenly, indescribabely, the conversation turned toward bullies.
"This kid in my class, he's a bully. He reads bully books." he randomly proclaimed.
"Bully books?" I questioned, "What are those?"
He responded promptly, "They teach you how to be mean, and push people around. There is this one book called Bullies are Made for Pushing People Around."
"Are you sure? Do you think anyone would write a book that teaches people how to be mean to each other?"
"Maybe," he replied, "the person who wrote it was a bully too."
The way this young boy rationalized the meanness of others set me to thinking. It was such a comforting thought! Why are bullies mean? Why do they push you sometimes, or call you names, or take your lunch money? It's nothing personal-- after all, they're just getting it from a book.
When I pulled into the driveway of this little boy's average South Jordan million dollar home earlier in the day, I felt anticipation and obvious fear, almost as though I was the one being faced with bully problems. Three squooshy faces were pressed against the living room window, eagerly anticipating my arrival. Why on Earth, I wondered, do these little ones like me so much? I'm not fun, I don't even know them... and what good are a couple of snot nosed kids to me anyway?
Last night, as I tended this first grader and his sisters however, I discovered something very important about children; they're worth it.
Babysitting jobs usually become a series of terrors and intense abuses, and last night was no exception. I was soaked with a hose, forced to give piggy back rides, and I very nearly had my finger bitten off. Despite all that, there were some moments of clarity that allowed me recognition as to why people all over the world sacrifice everything for their children.
As the weary night wore on, one fell asleep on the couch. I carried her to bed, tucked her under her pink blanket and bent down closer to look at her face, now devoid of the devilish mischief of the day. Her eyes opened and she placed her sticky little hand on my cheek. That was all, and that was enough. It was in that moment that I forgave her completely for the conniving tricks she'd pulled on me that day, and it seemed to me that as she slept angels had indeed landed on her eyelids.

Children are cruel. One minute you could be madder than anything at them, and the next they'll steal the heart right out of your chest. They know nothing, but, as with my conversation with the first grader about bullies, they seem to know so much more about the human psyche than any adult mind could ever hope to perceive. I heard once that children are designed with wide eyes and large foreheads because it appeals to the mothering instinct in adults. But last night, when I received a goonight kiss on each cheek, I was the one being cared for.

Maybe children aren't so horrid after all.


Brittany said...

Interesting observations. It would be dumb to say "remember this when you have kids," but...oh...look at that...I already said it. Ha.

Joslynn said...

'When you have kids'... heh. That in itself is a grossly overused statement.

Brittany said...

Esp. here in our state.

Joslynn said...

I had a long conversation about that today with Shirsti. Inquire for further info.

Brittany said...

Joslynn, please give me more information about your discussion with Shirsti.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad someone can experience the goodness of older kids. Newborns are getting me right now but then I look at toddlers and they just don't seem as cute. By the way you both will have tremendously cute kids.

Joslynn said...

By the way we both what? Act? Look? Talk?
I hope that my kids are cute, because I will need something to encourage me to take care of them.

Brittany said...

I think they meant By the way (comma)you both will have tremendously cute kids. Right?

Joslynn said...

As long as they have Brittany's curly hair, and Daphne's nose, we'll be fine.
My conversation with Shirsti: All of Shirsti's friends are married, basically, and she has felt pressure in the past to be married to a choice individual who she didn't truly love. My friend Amy (Brett's sister) has a family that expects young ladies to be married before they reach the ripe old age of 20. "Are you married yet?" they ask her. My friend Stephanie had plans of going to medical school and becoming a doctor, and she was well on her way-- until she met someone, got married, and had her dreams smashed in the attempt to support her husband. Now what do you think of that?

Anonymous said...

Little Children are mostly sticky and stinky, I agree. But truly, once you bring in the pink fluffy blankets, the cuddles, the sticky cheek pats...they can be kind of cute, those little rats. I'm glad I never was one.

Joslynn said...

Putrecent little vermin!
Oh please Kosy... whenever I see a little blonde girl with glasses my mind immediately jumps to you. Pink cheeks, big sparkly blue eyes... the more they cross the better!